The long-awaited Rockcliffe Inside the Avatar Studio: Season 4 kicks off May 16, 3PM SLT!
Our lovely new co-host Renne Emiko Brock (Zinnia Zauber) interviews with Kevin Feenan (Phelan Corrimal), founder of Rockcliffe University Consortium in conversation about “Education in an Age of Social Disruption“.
The iconic Inside The Avatar Studio (#IAS) brings together innovative leaders from the virtual technology frontier to discuss perceptions, perspectives, and predictions of what ‘being virtual’ means in today’s society. Guest speakers discuss current issues and trends surrounding the implications virtual experiences based on their own areas of subject matter expertise.
Our past guests have included: Robert Bloomfield, Beverly McCarter, Jessica Lyon, Lauren Weyland, AJ Kelton, Maria Korolov, Malburns Writer, Ham Rambler, Bernard Drax and Daniel Moshel,Terry Beaubois, Botgirl Questi, Doug Thompson, Gentle Heron, Dick Dillon, Chestnet Rau, Ian Hughes, Dave Levinson, Will Burns, Pooky Amsterdam, Tim “Digistar” Goree, Wiz Nordberg, Joel Foner, Chris Collins, Andrew Hughes, John Lester.. and panel topics such as Social Communications, Avatar the Movie, Virtual Frontier Panel and VWBPE…
Join our studio audience in Second Life https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rockcliffe%20Library/243/12/ or watch live on Rockcliffe’s YouTube channel https://gaming.youtube.com/urockcliffe (with many archived videos to revisit!)
Season 4 will see a re-worked format for the new season including additional perspectives on digital literacies, future technology, education pedagogy, guest hosts, and much more.
Producer: Elisa Butler (Bevan Whitfield)